Sunday, February 9, 2020

Off The Charts, Mind-Bending, Incredible Book! "Cowboy Villain Damsel Duel" by Ginger Scott

Ginger Scott steps away from her "usual" with Cowboy Villain Damsel Duel. And I am so glad that she did. Apparently, Ginger had this one sitting in her head for a while and it took some encouragement for her to put it out there for her readers. She really put herself out on cliff with this one. And she was 100% successful in pulling it off.

This book is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. I really don't read books like this. But if Ginger Scott writes it, I'm reading it! And I've never, ever been sorry that I made that promise to myself after reading Waiting On The Sidelines, so many years ago.

After mulling over what to say for over a week, all I can come up with is that it's amazing, it's twisty, it's curvy, and you have no idea where Ms. Scott is going to take you as you turn the pages. I loved having to THINK while reading this book. YOU will think hard while reading this book. You won't be able to avoid it. You'll ask yourself, "where is she going to take me now?" over and over. That's okay. Go freely where Ms. Scott wants you to go and you will NOT be sorry you did.

The book will be slow and steady at the beginning. It WILL pick up pace and it will throw you down the rabbit hole. Or does it? This a hands down, mind-blowing story, that will leave you with your jaw on the floor at the end. I am STILL trying to figure out certain things. This book is so popular and so mind-bending, it required the creation of a closed discussion group, for just THIS book, for those of us who have read it, to talk about the book. We really needed it.

My best advice to Ginger Scott's readers is to just get the book and read it. Let it take you down the rabbit hole. If Ginger Scott is new to you, I see no reason why you can't start here. I say read the other reviews. They'll all say the same thing. We really want to tell you that this happened, or that happened, but we really can't because of spoilers.

My questions are still: 
"What did I just read?"

At 70% in, I literally shook my phone and said "damnnnnnn youuuuuu Gingerrrrrrrr!" out loud.

In 2013, Ginger launched her first novel, Waiting On The Sidelines. I surprisingly loved it. YA was not my genre. I never expected to enjoy it. When Wild Reckless came out in 2015, it immediately shot up to the TOP of the list as my favorite Ginger Scott book. Cowboy Villain Damsel Duel just completely knocked Wild Reckless off the top of my list and bumped it down to second place.

Go get the book, start reading, and let yourself go. You will love this ride!!!!!

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