Friday, May 9, 2014

Book Review: "Hardpressed" (Hacker #2) by Meredith Wild…..The Sex Scenes Aren't Sloppy Smut!!!!!

Hardpressed is book two of the Hacker Series and picks up where Hardwired left off. For those who read the first book and saw the comparisons to Fifty Shades of Grey like I did, this book gets away from all of that and there is no longer anything to compare.

This book takes some wild turns, some daring twists, and some of the secrets learned in the first book get addressed in Hardpressed. Readers of the first book know who Daniel is by the time they've finished and by the time we get through book two, we know Daniel, we don't like Daniel and, some of us like the way Erica handled Daniel. I personally found her method of dealing with him to be not smart just for the sake of being independent. Being independent doesn't mean you NEVER need help. And I think that's Erica's main flaw: she's so used to doing everything on her own, she doesn't allow anyone to step up and help her. That annoyed the Hell out of me.

In book two, we know that Erica is questioned over Mark's death and it was fairly brief. My gut says Ms. Wild is going to eventually come back to that but it's hard to tell which twists she'll take in book three. Maybe she'll let Mark be dead and gone so Erica can start to move on from that bad juju from her past.

We see a lot of Erica's non-blood-related family (Marie, Alli, Sid) place themselves at Erica's side while she goes through a tough time with Blake without even knowing the reason for the tough time. I wish Ms. Wild would have brought it out more that Erica's mother may have died long ago but that she always had family before finding Daniel. I understand a person's need to find and get to know blood relations if they are out there but Erica (and Ms. Wild) misses an opportunity here to emphasize Erica's TRUE family.

The ending was a shocker and then it wasn't. Without spoilers, I can't explain it any further than that.

The sex in the book is absolutely fabulous. Ms. Wild knows how to write an erotic scene without making it sloppy smut. I have no trouble confessing that I wanted to jump my own husband after reading those scenes and I wouldn't be surprised if other adult readers wanted to jump their own partners as well.

Overall, the series is off to a good start. I'm looking forward to book three, Hardline (Hacker #3).

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