Friday, August 30, 2013

Review of "Love Hurts" by Beverly Scudamore

** spoiler alert ** Mel is in love with Dustin but she lost her chance at a relationship with him last year, now he is with someone else and she is heartbroken.

The book starts with Mel being late to school and hurrying, she witnesses a fight and pushes Dustin to break the fight. He does, and everything begins. She has to go to the Principal's office and there she meets Colter. She gets punishment and he helps her with it. The story of Colter and Mel begins here.

This book was quite good. It felt real. The author did her research on bad relationships and what the red flags are that a relationship can potentially become controlling and possibly dangerous.

Mel was a likeable character. She was nice, friendly, but had her fair share of problems, which threw her in the arms of Colter. And I can imagine a new boy, a bad boy at that has its merits and might seem fun, especially if you are trying to forget a boy.

Colter, well when we first see him in the book, I liked him, he was interesting and from the description, quite good looking. I can imagine girls falling for him. But while the story progresses, you start to notice things that are off. His parents, his house, and a whole lot of other red flags. I really liked that it wasn't immediate scariness, but that it slowly spirals from good to bad.

Colter, while nice in the beginning became really scary at the end. Psychotic and totally different than when we first meet him.

Luckily, Mel is a smart girl and notices things are wrong and talks about it a little bit. I was kind of worried she would end up like most of the girls in a situation like this. You know, dead or forever stuck to this creep.

I would have liked a different ending where Mel doesn't run off on a plane. Yes, there are victims of domestic violence who do need to flee for their lives and go into hiding. I don't think Mel needed to do that and I think she decides to go so that her mother doesn't need to give up a job she loves so Mel can stay where she is. Although, it's a mature and thoughtful decision for her to make.

I give 4.5 stars.

***Received via NetGalley for a fair and honest review.*

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